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TNI-AU (Air Force Indonesia) Holds Air Show in Palangkaraya

First-time activity airshow or aerospace exhibition will take place in the city of Palangkaraya. Activities that combined attractions of flying fighter jet Air Force (AU) and the parachute jump took place on Tuesday (05/31/2016) at the center of activity in the apron area Tjilik Riwut, Palangkaraya.

Organizers, represented by Lieutenant Sus Andro and Captain Kal Irvan of Base Air Force Iskandar, Pangkalan Bun, accompanied by Chairman of the Board of Trustees of Isen Mulang Aeromedelling Community (IMAC) Palangkaraya, explained that this activity is carried out in order to enliven the 70th Anniversary of the TNI-AU . He explained that the preparation of the event titled "Palangkaraya Airshow 2016" This has been going on since long ago. Phase of the exercise will be held on 28-29 May, reaching a peak at the "H" May 31, 2016.

Lt. Sus Andro detailing, for the aerospace exhibition will feature about 12 aircraft fighter T-50i Golden Eagle and the Super Tucano. In addition, the device also exhibited a variety of aerospace defense belongs to the Air Force.

The exhibition will also feature a number of the best remote control unit (RC) of aeromodelling community IMAC Palangkaraya, complete with performances of flight points.

"The purpose of this activity is to show the Air Force defense equipment, especially the latest defense to the community," said First Lieutenant Andro Sus.

He continued, moreover, airshow event is also intended to motivate young people on Earth Tambun Bungai to understand and love the aerospace activity.

He added, aerospace exhibition activities are concentrated in the region Tjilik Riwut service is open to the public without charge admission.


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